iPhone Software Update 1.0.1: My Experience

iPhone Software Update

Apple issued the first iPhone software update today via iTunes. iTunes should automatically alert you of the update, but if it doesn’t, simply click your iPhone in the Devices menu and then click the “Check for Update” button.

The update is primarily a security fix that patches up recently-exposed vulnerabilities in iPhone’s Safari browser. As much as I wish it were so, no new features or widgets have been added to the iPhone at this time.

iPhone Recovery Mode

Initially, iTunes alerted me that my iPhone could not update because it was in recovery mode (I put it in recovery mode yesterday to install custom ringtones, remember?), so I was prompted to restore it.

I worried that restoring my iPhone would undo my custom ringtones hack, and sure enough, it did. Was I able to re-Jailbreak my iPhone? Yes, but that is only the first step in “breaking into” the iPhone’s file system. After succesfully running Jailbreak, I was unable to run iRingtoner OR iPhone Interface to re-upload my custom ringtones.

If anything, this update proves how difficult it will be to beat Apple at the iPhone hacking game. Each time Apple issues a software update, developers will have to scramble to work around it.

Sure, hacking into the iPhone is fun, but in the long run our best bet is going to be to get the word out to Apple about features we want and hope to see them in future iPhone software updates.

What was YOUR experience updating the iPhone?

4 thoughts on “iPhone Software Update 1.0.1: My Experience”

  1. Duh my bad it was my car stero that changed the phone I noticed that ever time I disconnected the phone It would be shuffled

  2. Have you tried iFuntastic? I lost all my ringtones as well with the restore, but was able to reinstall my ringtones and carrier logo as well. Funny thing, my contacts still showed their individual ringtone even though they had been deleted. So that was nice, I didn’t have to reassign my newly added ringtones.


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