How to Remove the Apple Watch App From Your iPhone

With the advent of the Apple Watch and the iOS 8.2 upgrade comes one more annoyance for iPhone users: the undeletable Apple Watch app on your iPhone.

You know all those native iPhone apps you probably don’t use like Weather, Stocks, Newsstand, Game Center, etc. but which you can’t delete from your iPhone? You can now add the new Apple Watch app to that list of apps you can’t remove from your iPhone, whether or not you own an Apple Watch.

The inability to remove native apps from the iPhone has been an annoyance of mine for years. For a company that prides itself on simplicity, why does Apple insist on loading our iPhones with junk apps that we can’t delete or hide?

If you’d like to do something to hide the Apple Watch app, you have three mediocre options for the time being:

#1. Jailbreak your iPhone and download the Poof app from Cydia. Poof is one of the best iPhone jailbreak apps since it can delete the Apple Watch app and other undesired native apps from iPhone. Once a jailbreak is out for iOS 8.2, this will be the only way to truly remove the Apple Watch app for iPhone.

#2. Hide the Apple Watch app on the last page of your apps on your iPhone springboard. I have a folder of apps that I don’t use which sits quietly on the last page of my iPhone icons. It is the second-best compromise despite not being able to delete the Apple Watch app altogether.

#3. This is the best way to remove the Apple Watch app without jailbreaking your device, although there are a couple caveats: this hack removes the app icon, but not the data; and this hack is reversed whenever you restart your iPhone. Nevertheless, if you want to remove the Apple Watch icon from your iPhone, follow the tutorial in the video below:

If you REALLY can’t stand the idea of the Apple Watch app on your iPhone, your best bet is to not upgrade to iOS 8.2, since at this moment there is no jailbreak available for the new update (though it’s likely coming soon).

Apple Watch, Cool; Apple Watch App, Not

The Apple Watch app will take up space on your iPhone containing promotional videos for the Apple Watch, whether or not you own the smartwatch. Pretty lame.

While personally I have been intrigued by the idea of the new smartwatch and interested to see how this technology progresses, in its expansion of its product line, Apple should resist the temptation to bog down iOS users with useless mandatory apps such as the Apple Watch app.

5 thoughts on “How to Remove the Apple Watch App From Your iPhone”

  1. I too don’t like my phone being hijacked. Apple should know better. Has Apple become stupid or do you just like pissing people off. I paid lots of hard earned dollars for this tech only to find I have limited control over it. WTF Apple get, with the program. The next update better include ALL deletable apps or I’ll be buying Android from now on. I’ve used Android in the past and it was actually a very nice phone.

  2. I’m pretty sure threatening Apple that you might switch to Android is leaving them with sleepless nights.

  3. Apple you are becoming the Microsoft of the tech world. We hate the sneaky App dumping the watch Icon on our phones. Microsoft dumped the shitty 8.1 on us with new computers. No worries we are all looking for alternatives to you both so we can have control over what we bought and paid for. Android is my next phone no more Apple and trying to get computer people to make me another new one without windows shit as well.

  4. Thanks Apple >:( I updated my iPhone 6 today to the new iOS 8.2 and you’ve added Apple Watch, ANOTHER BULLSHIT app that I can NOT delete from my phone even though I will NEVER buy an Apple watch!!!!!! I’ve never cared for Apple as a company, although I purchased my first Mac laptop almost a year ago, which, by the way, is an awesome computer and I would NEVER go back to a PC. But here’s where I’m drawing the line…you’ve hijacked my phone for the last time. Give me the option to remove these SPACE ROBBING apps or I go to ANDROID and NEVER come back!!! Anyone that has an iPhone and hasn’t updated to the new iOS, I HIGHLY suggest you don’t. This is the problem with Apple….they’re the Walmart of the tech world and the bully on the block. They don’t give a sh*t about anything but money and profits.


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