How to Jailbreak iPhone 4 & iPhone 3GS With iOS 4.3.3 Using Redsn0w.
Warning: Jailbreak at your own risk. Please exercise caution and read the comments, as these jailbreak instructions are not guaranteed to work.
I recently applied this jailbreak to my iPhone 4, running iOS 4.3.3. It was successful.
If you want to jailbreak another iPhone version, you can find more iPhone instructions in my guide.
This tutorial contains jailbreak instructions for both Windows and Mac users, using Redsn0w. This is an untethered jailbreak.
Windows & Mac Users
- iPhone 4 or iPhone 3GS
- Firmware: 4.3.3 (check your version in Settings » General » About)
- iTunes 10.4
- iOS 4.3.3 IPSW (iPhone 4 (GSM) or iPhone 3GS)
- Redsn0w 0.9.6rc15 (Windows or Mac)
Jailbreak Instructions
1. Open Redsn0w, click Browse and select the iOS 4.3.3 file that you previously downloaded.
2. Click Install Cydia and hit Next.
3. With your iPhone off and the USB cable plugged in, click Next.
4. Follow the on-screen instructions to put your iPhone in DFU mode. Your iPhone will restart and be fully jailbroken.
Was your jailbreak successful? Please post questions and suggestions in the comments.
ive downloaded everything, but whenever it tells me to hold down the reset buttons/home button apparently im doing it wrong and it wont let me get to the DFU thing or whatever, im so confused….HELP!
I have already jail broken my Iphone 4 version 4.3.3 with rc16 but somehow it does not accept applications, it just happens to show on my i-tunes screen but it when i disconnect the phone it does not show up in the phone, plz help.
hi, i have the same problem with one of u.
I’m on Vista. I get all the way through the steps after hooking up the phone. The phone displays “downloading Jailbreak data” then i get a message on the computer saying that redsnOw has stopped working.
does the phone have to have its original sim in when doing this? I have done the whole process and am not sure if it works. When I open i tunes i get a message saying that there is no sim installed in the i phone.
Can I do this with the 64bit itunes install? I currently have itunes. What should I do?
I’m on Vista. I get all the way through the steps after hooking up the phone. The phone displays “downloading Jailbreak data” then i get a message on the computer saying that redsnOw has stopped working.
worked a treat for me iphone 4 4.3.3 cheers
my iphone4 is not getting detected by the system after i go into the DFU mode. when i retry my iphone goes to receovrey mode, i have restored my phone. Just that this is not working.
uhm.. how will you get Cydia?? is it automatically there after downloading this “RedSnow” application? And what will happen if it fails??
how do i prepaid minutes on my iphone after i have jail broke it?
awesome! i saved 300 bucks because of this site! i can download anything for free now! :)) thanks!
For those of you having issues with the downloaded file being opened as a zipped file, you should use firefox or chrome. Using IE will lead to zipping issues. FF and Chrome will retain the actual extension. If this still does not work, then you can also go to your folder settings in windows and choose, show file extension. Then just remove the .zip extension of the file you have already downloaded.
I downloaded the RedsnOw without problem, also downloaded the iOS 4.3.3, after 3 hours, it opens up the iTunes window.
When I unzipped the RedsnOw and went to look for iOS file, my entire computer, didn’t show to have it?? Where am I supposed to find this file?
I did everything, and it went smoothly. My phone restarted and everything works normally. I’m just not sure how to tell exactly if it worked?
go to the cydia apps and add the installous, (you may search on google how to add installous on your source).
Hi, i’m also having a similar issue, I downloaded the ispw file on a windows 7 computer and now I can’t get it renamed to an *.ispw file it only added it to the name and kept it as a winrar file. Any help on this is much appreciated. Thanks
When i select the IPSW file in redsn0w it says “IPSW sucessfully identified” however when I hit next it says “unexpected error during preperation”. Help please? I’m using Windows XP. I also tried downloading it on windows vista but when i download it opens in WinRar. Help on either one or both. Thanks.
Brad, when you download the IPSW, is it in .zip format? If so, you must rename the .zip file to a .ipsw in order for Redsn0w to recognize it. This seems to be a Windows issue, but I am on a Mac so didn’t notice it. Please advise so that I can update the guide if needed.
Thanks and sorry about your trouble.
wait, if you jailbreak a postpaid iPhone, will anything happen?