Update: AT&T has now announced the iPhone rate plans.
Be the first to see this not-yet-released Cingular iPhone ad, revealed by a reliable source in a private iPhone consumer survey from Pinecone Research.
It appears the iPhone rate plans from Cingular may be the same as Cingular’s current plan options: $39.99 a month for 450 minutes, unlimited mobile to mobile calling, and 5,000 night and weekend minutes. The data plans will start at $4.99 a month for 200 messages OR a $19.99 a month data plan for 200 messages plus unlimited Internet and Visual Voicemail.
EDIT: In addition, the Cingular iPhone ad lists iPhone prices as $299 for the 4GB model and $399 for the 8GB model.
Sounds good to me. Click the ad to see a larger version of the image:
[The image has been removed at Pinecone Research’s request. Engadget Mobile still has it up in their post on the Cingular iPhone rate plans.]
You saw it here first. 😉
More on the Cingular iPhone ad: