Why You Can Support Occupy Wall Street and Still Admire Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs, Wall Street

Steve Jobs & Occupy Wall Street

The death of Steve Jobs will be remembered as one of those “where were you when…” moments.

When the planes struck New York in 2001, I was in my eighth grade Spanish class. When Michael Jackson died, I was vacationing in Costa Rica during the break between my summer 2008 college courses. When Steve Jobs died last week, I was at The Midnight downtown for a “Green Drinks” event.

My intention is not to compare one person’s death to a tragic day in history, but simply to illustrate how memorable I believe Steve Jobs’ death will be, and how much of an impact he had on people.

I was stunned by the news, because I am one of the many who view Steve Jobs as a visionary person.

After the news, mildly tipsy after Green Drinks and perhaps over-emotional, I posted to Facebook that I was surprised to be this affected by the death “of a celebrity.” I said I wanted to live my life like Jobs, with passion and enthusiasm and a belief in the impossible.

Steve Jobs Death

Many of my Facebook friends posted similar statuses, quotes and articles about Steve Jobs.

Then some of my friends began calling out the Jobs grievers.

Mainly, the criticism was that you were a hypocrite if, like many people today, you supported the Occupy Wall Street movement against corporate greed, and yet you still publicly honored a “1 percenter” who ran a corporation of the same sort that people are rallying against. I disagree with this sentiment.

Yes, Apple as a corporation has engaged in some disturbing practices. Is their practice of employing cheap workers overseas admirable? Is it okay that a Foxconn worker in China committed suicide because he was harassed and accused of leaking a product design? No. But that doesn’t mean one can’t honor Steve Jobs as an individual.

Yes, he controlled lots of capital, but Steve Jobs also inspired many people, including me.

As someone with a desire to improve my ability to communicate effectively — English was an appropriate major for me — I am frequently inspired by Apple messaging and communication. I browse their website or go to the Apple Store and everything is so detailed and carefully thought-out. It’s a great customer experience, and it makes me think, “How can I learn from this experience and use it to communicate my own ideas more effectively? How can I take this simplicity and effective design and apply it to my website and business?” Steve Jobs and Apple have inspired me a lot in this regard.

Jobs was a radical thinker who revolutionized the computing industry. I heard an interview of his on NPR the morning after his death, and was deeply inspired by his ideas, his passion and his clear desire to make computing truly accessible to people by way of design.

It hadn’t occurred to me that we should NOT honor, or “glorify” Steve Jobs and instead call out those who grieved just because Jobs worked for the same type of corporation that the world is angry at these days.

I recognize Occupy Wall Street as a peaceful and compelling movement, but it should not motivate anyone to hate a person or deny others the solace to grieve for a dead person. The fact is Jobs had an impact on people’s lives, and the world grieved when he died.

When you die, what will matter will be what you left behind. I choose to remember Steve Jobs for the way he inspired the world, and the way I can learn from him to communicate my own ideas to my community and to the world. Not to mention Apple’s tools are fantastic instruments that assist creative people in doing meaningful work.

Yes, Steve Jobs may have made decisions that negatively affected people. These issues should not be ignored. But you are human, too.

And you and I will die one day, too. I hope that no one will judge us on the days of our funerals, but rather forgive us, remember our strengths, and wish our spirits well.

I stand behind the 99 percent. And I remain inspired by Steve Jobs, the designer, the marketer, the visionary.

What a New CEO is Likely to Mean for Apple’s Future

Apple CEO Tim Cook

Not a whole lot. That’s my take on it anyway, and here’s why:

The new CEO Tim Cook, appointed just minutes ago after Steve Jobs’ sudden resignation, has been at Apple since 1998 and has been a key player on the company’s road to success.

His now-outdated Apple bio says that as COO he was “responsible for all of the company’s worldwide sales and operations, including end-to-end management of Apple’s supply chain, sales activities, and service and support in all markets and countries.”

And like Jobs, he is evidently passionate and deeply familiar with Apple’s mission. Cook said this on an earnings call two years ago:

We believe that we’re on the face of the earth to make great products and that’s not changing. We’re constantly focusing on innovating. We believe in the simple, not the complex. … We believe in saying no to thousands of projects so that we can really focus on the few that are truly important and meaningful to us.

So Apple is in good hands, just as it was for periods during 2004 and 2009 when Cook was appointed temporary CEO during Jobs’ health-related leaves of absence.

Steve Jobs deserves recognition for remarkably turning Apple from a company in peril to the most profitable technology company in the world. Here’s hoping his resignation was not due to deteriorating health issues, although it very likely was.

The question is: Will Cook wear a black turtleneck and jeans on stage when he announces the iPhone 5 this October?

Follow AppleiPhoneReview.com for WWDC 2010 Updates

WWDC iPhone Keynote

Stay tuned for updates on the WWDC conference today, when Steve Jobs will announce the next generation iPhone.

WWDC 2010 Start Time

It took me some searching to find out when the WWDC starts, but I finally found the time here. The WWDC start time is as follows, broken down by time zone:

  • 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time
  • 11:00 a.m. Mountain Time
  • 12:00 Noon Central Time
  • 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time
  • 6:00 p.m. BST
  • 7:00 p.m. Paris
  • 9:00 p.m. Moscow
  • 02:00 a.m. Tokyo (June 8th)

How to Get WWDC Updates

To follow iPhone-related updates on the WWDC conference via AppleiPhoneReview.com, go to this page and bookmark it.

New iPhone today, get pumped!

Will the Next iPhone Be a Never-Before-Seen Design?

I can’t help but wonder if tomorrow Steve Jobs will reach into his pocket to unveil the next iPhone and reveal something that looks NOTHING like this:

Gizmodo Secret iPhone

What if the 4th generation iPhone is totally different from anything we’ve ever seen?

Gizmodo Secret iPhone

Maybe the likelihood of a completely new iPhone design is slim, but if any company were to pull such a stunt, it would be Apple.

“You thought you had us figured out? Muhahaha!” — Steve Jobs, before he sprints off the WWDC stage into a cloud of smoke

Just sayin’. Would it surprise you?

iPhone Was Originally an iPad, Says Steve Jobs

iPad to iPhone: I am your father.

Did you know: Apple created the iPad before the iPhone. The iPad is not a giant iPhone or iPod Touch like we thought it was. More accurately, the iPhone is a mini iPad. Apparently, Steve Jobs revealed this secret at the D8 Conference, according to Mashable’s Barb Dybwad:

Walt then asks him why he built that operating system on a phone first instead of a tablet. Jobs then drops a reveal: “I’ll tell you a secret. It started on a tablet first.” He had an idea of a multi-touch display you could type on, and six months later his team had a prototype display to show him. After handing it off to Apple user interface experts who “got the inertia rolling,” Jobs realized, “My god, we can build a phone out of this,” and shelved the tablet because at the time the phone was more important. “When we got our wind back and thought we could do something else, we took the tablet back off the shelf.” — Steve Jobs at D8 on Flash, iPad and the Post-PC Era

Crazy to think the iPad was conceptualized before the iPhone was even a thought. Despite occasional setbacks, Apple is great at keeping things quiet. To think, Microsoft was working on what they thought would be a revolutionary Surface, while Apple was quietly plotting the silver, small and sleek iPad.

The Secret iPhone & the Power of MobileMe: How Apple Wiped a Stolen iPhone

Secret iPhone

By now you’ve probably heard that Gizmodo got a hold of Apple’s next iPhone after an Apple engineer accidentally left it at a bar in Redwood City, California. I’m not going to repeat the story to you (go read it), but what I found most intriguing about the ordeal was that Apple remotely wiped the data from the secret iPhone once they realized it was missing. So espionage-esque.

I can hear Steve Jobs yelling, “Abort iPhone!”, and VP Phil Schiller dutifully extends his palm to push down the Big Red Button. And then the iPhone, in some far away place, goes blank.

Phew! Imagine if Gizmodo had gotten their hands on the data on that iPhone. That would have been a whole different fiasco. Instead, Apple saved what remains of their dignity by wiping the iPhone clean.

How’d they wipe the iPhone?

You might be thinking: Apple must have access to some secret CIA technology to just wipe an iPhone at the push of a button like that. But actually, Gizmodo’s secret iPhone was wiped out by a service that’s available to all iPhone users, MobileMe.


Maybe you already know about MobileMe’s Remote Wipe feature, but it was news to me, since I’ve usually paid no attention to the service. After doing some research on MobileMe’s Remote Wipe capabilities, here’s what I learned about what MobileMe can (and can’t) do to recover or protect a stolen iPhone:

  • You can locate your lost iPhone on a map.
  • You can remotely set a Passcode Lock. Of course, those are easy to crack apparently.
  • You can display a message or play a sound on a lost iPhone.
  • You can remotely wipe the data from a lost iPhone, like Apple did to the iPhone before Gizmodo got to it.

In my opinion, the Remote Wipe service alone is worth $99 a year. Considering how much I rely on my iPhone, it worries me to think about what could happen if I lost it. My heart would sink. But I haven’t taken the plunge yet.

Have you tried MobileMe?

What do you think of Apple’s MobileMe cloud services? Have you ever Remote Wiped your iPhone? How did it go? I’d love to hear your story in the comments.

Helpful Links

Apple – MobileMe
Apple – MobileMe – Find Your iPhone